We are grateful to announce our 1st Online Class from the series of Summer Samba workshops with guest teachers, artists, advocates of Afro-Brazilian culture, talented dancers and educators from Brazil.
This Saturday, June 6, 11 am we will be hosting a 1,5 hours MARACATU class with Marcela Rabelo straight from Recife, Brazil.
Born in Recife – Pernambuco, Brazil, Marcela has been a dancer, performer and researcher of the popular and traditional dances of Pernambuco and from Northeast of Brazil for several years. Nowadays she is a member of the iconic Maracatu Nação Pernambuco and Cia Artefolia.
Marcela has collaborated with many dance groups, and companies in the Pernambuco art scene, such as Balé Brasílica (Balé Popular do Recife), Criart Cia. de Dança, Balé Cultural de Pernambuco, Batá Kossô, Bantu Afro Brasileiro, Compassos Cia. de Dança and Grupo Experimental (Contemporary Dance). She has also participated in several art shows and festivals, and has been an instructor of rhythms Pernambucanos like Maracatu, Frevo, Caboclinhos, Coco de roda, Ciranda and Xaxado, not only in Recife and across Brazil, but also in countries such as Argentina, Cuba, France, England, Germany and United States.
As a researcher, she dedicates herself to the study of the popular dances of her state and the intertwining with different areas. She is a designer, Specialist in Dance, Body Practice and Thoughts on the Body (Angel Vianna College – RJ) and Master in the Postgraduate Program in Anthropology (Federal University of Pernambuco), focused on dance research in the field of popular culture.
Watch for video updates with the class highlights here.